Monday, May 7, 2012

How is it possible????

If adam %26amp; eve were the first humans on earth then how did the theory of "early man" arrived, means we believe that man got transformed into human after being an ape for years, as in science we study evolution of man in which we study that gradually the tail, body hair %26amp; everything else of early man got disappeared slowly but at the same time adam %26amp; eve were the first humans to fall on earth... how????

How is it possible????

Because in your question, there are two concepts mixed:

a),- the religious one, that states as a matter of faith that the first man and woman on the surface of the earth were adam and eve...That is OK for religion, however you mention;

b).- The Sientific Evolutionary theory, in which the humans evolved from apes that genetically drifted appart, physically from other apes, and evolved in the cerebral structures to the point that we see around us......getting rid of useless organs such as tail, abbundant and thick hair etc...those are evolutionary concepts, not religious ones....

One thing has nothing top do with the other....

How is it possible????

The STORY of Adam and Eve is just that, a story. It does not makes sense that two individuals populated the entire world. They did not exist as the bible says they existed.

Evolution is the better answer. You can not have both.

How is it possible????

Well you either believe in Creationism(Adam and Eve) or you believe in evolution. The latter is actually scientifically sound, which rules out Creationism for me.

How is it possible????

You will have to take the " Adam and Eve " story as a metaphor if you wish to be truthfully informed.

How is it possible????

I don't believe the Adam and Eve story my self. I don't think you need to take the story to literally. In the Bible I don't think evolution comes in to it much, it's more about creationism. It was written by men of faith not really men of Science.

My Mum is a Christian and believes in evolution. Me and her were talking about it and wondering if maybe Adam and Eve were the first humans to evolve from common ancestors. lol

How is it possible????

First of all it isnt possible. Evolution does not go that deep. Certain things do evolve...but the Adam and Eve story is the true one and we were never monkeys. I mean the people who even believe that must be happy knowing that their great uncle was a sensless ape who ate bananas for a living.

How is it possible????

The Adam %26amp; Eve thing is hypothetical.This is just the Bible version and how can u believe in a book which once said that Earth is at the center of the universe but took back its claim as soon as it was proved wrong.Be scientific and remove such misconceptions from ur mind.The theory of evolution is correct.

How is it possible????

adam and eve does not relate with science moreover i beleive that human does not evolve frm apes but their ancestors were same,

How is it possible????

i think u r a bit confused. ur mixing two theories . when u speak about adam and eve ur refering to the ancient prediction of some of our philosofers, it is an idea of ARISTOTILE period.they belived that the earth was created by the god in 7 days.

but when u speak about the evolution of man form the ape , ur a bit close to the modern theory of evolution. it says that the life first origenated form the chemical soup(HALDANE SOUP) . form this soup micro organisms evoleved and then came the fish like organisms , then came the amphibians , and so on

the humans were considered to be the highly evovled species.

ur trying to mix two theories

How is it possible????

the point is noone knows who was born's just a myth...early humans did't know to can they have names...understood

How is it possible????

They're rather incompatible. If you believe in evolution, there probably was no first human. The first humans were an isolated population of some lower hominid like Homo Erectus that changed to become what we are through a gradual build-up of mutations.

Anyway, think about how inbred we'd all be if we were all descended from two people: any kids they had would have nobody to make whopee with except their own siblings or parents.

How is it possible????

science is a subject which deals with facts and figures. Science has someproofs, rules and formulae. Accordingly we have studied the life of ancient people. But the history about adam and eve has no proof. It is a story told in the Greek Mythology. So you need not bother about adam and eve because it is fiction.

How is it possible????

Adam and Eve are religious beliefs...

the theory of evolution of human race is a scientific conclusion...

let both of them be at their places... do not refer one for the other ...

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