Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How can i stop my dog for licking?

my dog is 13 years in human years and we got him to stop licking where he don't don't have hair but now he comes in my room and i am 14 year old (male) and he goes under my blanket and try to fit his head in my boxers and he does (he is a toy fox terrier) and he starts licking my privet areas. Sometimes he will get on my bed and growl and not let me on my bed if i just got out of shower cause i usasly sit there and get the cloth i want to wear and he will try to lick me there. Can u tell me how i can stop him from doing this it makes sick he does this cause it nasty to me and i can't go to bed sometimes cause of this. *Please tell me how to stop him so i can go to sleep or sit on bed in my towel to find close* Thank you! (please don't report this either i need to know what to do)

How can i stop my dog for licking?

Thats so funny but sick at the same time, everytime he does it tap his nose hard and say No! I'm so gald you don't get off on But off the no bull try that but if that doesn't work contact me at I'll think of something else.

How can i stop my dog for licking?

Uh, I know you are only 14, but come on. Shut the dog out of the room when you are not dressed! Simple as that. The dog should be be allowed to stick its head in your boxers and lick your private parts unless you let it!

Edited: Put a chair or something to block the door, so he can't get in.

How can i stop my dog for licking?

That is disgusting, and wrong. You need to take that dog to an animal therapist or something. Don't let the dog be the boss of you-who's the one who bought him in the first place?

How can i stop my dog for licking?

what got him started to begin with.? it should have been punished the first time and it may have been gotten under control.. sounds like he wasnt punished the first may have to spray your private area with some bitters until he stops. does he know the stern word NO along with the bitters.I see no other way to do it.u may not like the bitters or hot stuff but its worh a try and send the dog to another room to sleep

How can i stop my dog for licking?

Well your dog is in need of something and you need to lightly slap his snout and say in a firm voice "no" I would also let you folks know what he is doing and see if getting him to to vet would help, he doesn't need to be given away, even though that may be their first instinct to see if the vet can help with this issue. Good luck

How can i stop my dog for licking?

Let your dog out of your room first so that you'll ba able to shower.

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