Friday, March 30, 2012

What makes werwolves so ?

What makes fiction potray werwolves as furry ,tall and muscular .A wolf isn't stronger than a human and has less muscle mass ,won't changing into a werwolf result in a degration of size ?

They are also strangely proportional ,wolves have larger jaws and a werwolf should have an oversized mouth with a dimunitive body when compared to a human .

Now there isn't any book I know of that writes of a werwolf inheriting the hair less side of humans ,since they already have the bipedalism chances are they would have the folicles too .

What would they look like to you ,how can you explain it ?Discuss .

What makes werwolves so ?

From a realistic standpoint, anything fictitious is at the mercy of its creator for appearance and other attributes. If you dislike their depiction, write your own and change it. Not all werewolfs have retained such human charictoristics though. Some changed to wolves almost completely. I wish I could quote some of these stories, but none are comming to mind that I have access to at the moment.

From a mythological standpoint, the werewolf is a personification of the fear of wolves. Other fears are also incorporated like the night, blood, twofaced people, as well as an explanation regarding the moon. Most mythological creatues are human like, and actuly are more human than non. This would explain the more human charictoristics. Yes, a bigger and different shaped mouth might be more menacing but it takes away from the humanness of the creature. Same with muscle mass.

What would one look like to me? I've not seen one that I know of... but if left to my own surmizing I would assume some giant wolflike creature. Lean, but still muscularly toned, and sharp teeth. I think when fully transformed they would resemble a wolf in almost every aspect, but there would be a distinct human atmosphere about them.

What makes werwolves so ?

Whose wolves have YOU been looking at? I have an ex-boyfriend that owned 3 purebreed wolves and they were massive! When they stood on their back legs, putting their front paws on my shoulders to help balance themselves, they were taller than I am and I'm 5'5".

As for the hair thing, genetics is a funny thing. Why is brown hair dominant over blonde and red? OK, so hairyness is dominant, Big deal.

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