Friday, March 30, 2012

How is the coloring of a poodle determined?

Does it involve recessive genes like those of eye or hair color in humans? Or, is it something spontaneous that is really hard to predict?

How is the coloring of a poodle determined?

Oooh- VERY complex! It does involve dominant and recessive genes- I don't know all the ins and outs, but here's a few things that I do know:

1.) Black is a dominant color- and I believe that white, too, is a dominant color-

if pair a white and a black, you will get a litter of whites and blacks, and similarly, I think if you pair 2 whites or 2 blacks, you are pretty much guaranteed a solid litter (all blacks or all whites)-

all other colors are associated with what's called a fading gene- meaning that the colors will not hold true as totally dark. In order to make a line of red poodles, let's say, hold their colors more, and stay darker longer, you need to avoid mating with any dog carrying the fading gene- so, you would mate a red with a black to get truer reds. The only colors that don't "fade" are black and, obviously, white. Most white poodles you see are actually cream poodles, btw.

Also, I know that the parti colored gene is recessive- so you can get partis if you mate two solid colored dogs if both had the parti gene.

Just like with many other breeds, color can be associated with certain characteristics- like the browns tend to be larger boned- many of the whites tend to have a softer, more cottony coat, etc.

That's about all I know about the colors of poodles! Hope that helped!

How is the coloring of a poodle determined?


How is the coloring of a poodle determined?

genetics is random, u can use punnetts squares to predict it, but the punnetts squares arent even accurate, say u bred a homozygous brown with a homozygous white(and brown is dominant) the punnett says all the pups will be heterozygous brown(which means they are brown but they have a white gene in them, so their puppys could be white) but in realty some pups could be white and brown or all brown or all white, punnetts squares give you an idea, but its not 100% accurate

How is the coloring of a poodle determined?

Just like us !!! You get what you get.

How is the coloring of a poodle determined?

you can get em dna tested at the vets to see what colours they produce

Is necrophilia morally impermissible?

I'm writing a paper on the ethics of necrophilia and I'm looking for legitimate counterarguments. I don't intend to promote it; I just want people to question their views.

I'm only appealing to morality (not health).

My main arguments thus far:

-No conceptions of personal identity support the idea of the PERSON still existing in the body after death. That is to say, the corpse is just a shell and cannot be associated with the PERSON who once occupied it.

-The embalming process, arguably an extremely invasive procedure, is socially acceptable and doesn't require the cadaver's consent (or even the consent of the person before they died) to be performed.

-The corpse does not fit any of the standards for moral status. Being genetically human is not enough to ensure moral status. (Cancer cells and hair are both genetically human, but have no moral status)

-How can one justify respect for the dead (the main argument against necrophilia)?

Please be mature about this.

Thanks! :)

Is necrophilia morally impermissible?

what's wrong honey...did your man call you a dead *****? move a little, moan a little. you bruised his ego. just fake it till you make it

What makes werwolves so ?

What makes fiction potray werwolves as furry ,tall and muscular .A wolf isn't stronger than a human and has less muscle mass ,won't changing into a werwolf result in a degration of size ?

They are also strangely proportional ,wolves have larger jaws and a werwolf should have an oversized mouth with a dimunitive body when compared to a human .

Now there isn't any book I know of that writes of a werwolf inheriting the hair less side of humans ,since they already have the bipedalism chances are they would have the folicles too .

What would they look like to you ,how can you explain it ?Discuss .

What makes werwolves so ?

From a realistic standpoint, anything fictitious is at the mercy of its creator for appearance and other attributes. If you dislike their depiction, write your own and change it. Not all werewolfs have retained such human charictoristics though. Some changed to wolves almost completely. I wish I could quote some of these stories, but none are comming to mind that I have access to at the moment.

From a mythological standpoint, the werewolf is a personification of the fear of wolves. Other fears are also incorporated like the night, blood, twofaced people, as well as an explanation regarding the moon. Most mythological creatues are human like, and actuly are more human than non. This would explain the more human charictoristics. Yes, a bigger and different shaped mouth might be more menacing but it takes away from the humanness of the creature. Same with muscle mass.

What would one look like to me? I've not seen one that I know of... but if left to my own surmizing I would assume some giant wolflike creature. Lean, but still muscularly toned, and sharp teeth. I think when fully transformed they would resemble a wolf in almost every aspect, but there would be a distinct human atmosphere about them.

What makes werwolves so ?

Whose wolves have YOU been looking at? I have an ex-boyfriend that owned 3 purebreed wolves and they were massive! When they stood on their back legs, putting their front paws on my shoulders to help balance themselves, they were taller than I am and I'm 5'5".

As for the hair thing, genetics is a funny thing. Why is brown hair dominant over blonde and red? OK, so hairyness is dominant, Big deal.

Pets with cancer?

On Nightline today, the presneter was talking about medical expenses for pets and mentioned chemotherapy as one of the treatments pets receive for cancer. My question is do our furry friends who undergo chemo lose their fur. I mean humans lose their hair because of chemo......

Pets with cancer?

In my experience, only a few animals lose hair whilst undergoing chemotherapy. Even then, they usually don't go completely bald- the coat might go a little bit thin, or they might lose their whiskers, etc.

There is a difference between chemo in humans and animals. In humans, the ultimate aim of chemo is generally curative rather than palliative, so therapy must be extremely aggressive. Chemotherapy drugs by their very nature are toxic to cells, which is why so many adverse effects are seen in human cancer patients.

In animals, chemo is basically just a palliative treatment- it may only add another few months to the animal's life but in relative terms (because of the much shorter lifespan), this is similar to giving a person maybe another 5-10 years. In most cases, the animal will still die or be euthanased because of its cancer, but will have had a few months with good quality of life where the cancer has been held at bay by the therapy.

Because of this difference, although the drugs are the same, the drug doses used in animals are much, much lower than those used in people. This means that animals on chemo tend to experience far fewer side effects than their human counterparts. Some animals will prove to be overly sensitive to some drugs, which may mean that the protocol needs to be altered, but on the whole most seem to cope with it very well indeed.

Pets with cancer?

yes they do

it's really sad to see

Pets with cancer?

If you go to there are alot of groups for dogs and even cats who have cancer. They would know everything. I think they do lose some hair though, yes. But more thinning of the hair. Not going bald all over.

Pets with cancer?

Not all humans undergoing Chemo loose their Hair, Not all Animals do either.

Pets with cancer?

I dont know but i would have to put the good fellow down. There is no way i would let any of my animals live like that they just deserve better than that. I would think that they would lose their fur. It would make sense bc we do.

Pets with cancer?

yeah they do but they are a LITTLE BIT more resistant ot it or what ever u want to call it

Pets with cancer?

Many dogs do not lose their hair during chemo; however, like people, some do lose their hair. It really depends on the individual dog. I had a miniature schnauzer who had cancer on her back right leg and so it had to be amputated- then a few years later we noticed another lump and found out the cancer had spread so after a few months she had to be put to sleep because she could not function correctly because of the cancer (couldn't eat, had seizures, etc). She never had to undergo chemo; however, many pet owners put their pets through chemo because it gives the pet and owner more time together.

Dominant/recessive alleles, hertitary problem. :)?

Assume that hair color in humans is determined by a single gene as follows: B/B individuals have black hair; B/b have brown hair; and b/b have blonde hair.

Now here's the actual question:

If two brown hair people marry, what is the probability that their first child will have brown hair?

Dominant/recessive alleles, hertitary problem. :)?

B/b x B/b

1/4 BB black

2/4 B/b brown

1/4 bb blonde

50% chance of having brown hair

Unless you are specifically asked probability of having 2 consecutive kids with

black hair, you treat each birth independently. The probability of the next child having black hair is still 1/4 or 25%

Dominant/recessive alleles, hertitary problem. :)?

Bb + Bb

You can get BB (Black) Bb (brown) bB (brown) or bb (blonde. So, 50% chance of brown hair.

Dominant/recessive alleles, hertitary problem. :)?

Bb x Bb would produce 1 BB (black hair), 2 Bb (brown hair), and 1 bb (blond hair)

So if 2 brown haired people had kids, there's a 50% chance their child has brown hair. Every childbirth is a new situation, so results are independent of any previous birth....

Dominant/recessive alleles, hertitary problem. :)?

thats not how it works, your assuming brown hair is a case of codominance between black and blonde hair.

And even if that was the case, there would be several variables, you would have to know whether the parents were carriers or pure brown hairs, and i repeat, BROWN HAIR does NOT equal mix of blonde and black.

however, if a person has brown hair, they wont be carriers of black hair seeing as the gene for black hair is the most dominant,k they might be carriers of blonde hair, and the only time 2 brown haired people could produce a blonde haired child is if they are both carriers of blonde hair, and even then, it will only be a 25% chance (1 in 4)

Cat Resolutions...?

My human will never let me eat her pet hamster, and I am at peace with that.

I will not leap into my human's chair which she has temporarily vacated, and then bite my human on the bum when she sits back down.

I will not slurp fish food from the surface of the aquarium.

I must not help myself to Q-tips, and I must certainly not proceed to stuff them down the sink's drain.

I will not bite my human on the rear while she is sitting on the Big White Drinking Bowl.

I will not lean way over to drink out of the tub, fall in, and then pelt right for the box of clumping cat litter. (It took FOREVER to get the stuff out of my fur)

I will not stand on the bathroom counter, stare down the hall, and growl at NOTHING after my human has finished watching The X-Files.

I will not fish out my human's partial plate from the glass so that the dog can "wear" it and pretend to be my human. (It is somewhat unnerving to wake up, roll over in bed, and see the dog grinning at you with your own teeth.)

I will not use the bathtub to store live mice for late-night snacks.

I will not drag dirty socks up from the basement in the middle of the night, deposit them on the bed and yell at the top of my lungs so that my human can admire my "kill."

I will not knead my male human's groin at 2 a.m. with claws extended. It seems to cause him some discomfort and he wakes up all grumpy.

I will not perch on my human's chest in the middle of the night and stare into her eyes until she wakes up.

We will not play Herd of Thundering Wildebeests Stampeding Across the Plains of the Serengeti over my humans' bed while they're trying to sleep.

Screaming at the can of food will not make it open itself.

I cannot leap through closed windows to catch birds outside. If I forget this and bonk my head on the window and fall behind the couch in my attempt, I will not get up and do the same thing again.

I will not assume the patio door is open when I race outside to chase leaves.

I will not back up off the front porch and fall into the bushes just as my human is explaining to his girlfriend how graceful I am.

I will not complain that my butt is wet and that I am thirsty after sitting in my water bowl.

I will not intrude on my human's candle-lit bubble bath and singe my butt.

I will not stick my paw into any container to see if there is something in it. If I do, I will not hiss and scratch when my human has to shave me to get the rubber cement out of my fur.

If I bite the cactus, it will bite back.

It is not a good idea to try to lap up the powdered creamer before it dissolves in boiling coffee.

When I am chasing my tail and catch my back leg instead, I will not bite on my own foot. This hurts, and my scream scares my human.

When it rains, it will be raining on all sides of the house. It is not necessary to check every door.

Birds do not come from the bird feeder. I will not knock it down and try to open it up to get the birds out.

I will not stuff my rather large self into the rather small bird feeder (with my tail hanging out one side) and expect the birds to just fly in.

I will not teach the parrot to meow in a loud and raucous manner.

The dog can see me coming when I stalk her. She can see me and will move out of the way when I pounce, letting me smash into floors and walls. That does not mean I should take it as a personal insult when my humans sit there and laugh.

Yes, there are still two very large dogs in the backyard. There have been for several years. I don't have to act as if I've just discovered the Demon Horror of the Universe each time one of them appears in my window.

I will not play "dead cat on the stairs" while people are trying to bring in groceries or laundry, or else one of these days, it will really come true.

When the humans play darts, I will not leap into the air and attempt to catch them.

I will not swat my human's head repeatedly when she's on the family room floor trying to do sit ups.

When my human is typing at the computer, her forearms are *not* a hammock.

Computer and TV screens do not exist to backlight my lovely tail.

I will not bring the city police to the front door by stepping on the speaker phone button and then the automatic 911 dial button.

I will not speed dial the overseas numbers.

I will not walk on the keyboard when my human is writing important emio gnaioerp ga3qi4 taija3tgv aa35 a.

I will not stalk the deer in the apple orchard next door. They have sharp hooves and could hurt me if they weren't laughing so hard.

I will not watch the guinea pig constantly as the guinea pig likes to sleep once in a while.

The goldfish likes living in water and should be allowed to remain in its bowl.

I will not put a live mole in my food bowl and expect it to stay there until I get hungry.

I will not eat spider plants and hallucinate behind the toilet.

I will not drag the magnets (and the papers they are holding up) off of the refrigerator and then bat them underneath it so that they adhere to the underside.

I will learn to relax at the vet's office so they will start writing things in my records like "Good Kitty" and "Sweet Kitty" instead of the stuff that's there now like "MEAN!!" "BITER!!!" and "GET HELP!!!!!"

I will not be miffed at my human all day and then kiss her on the nose at 2:00 a.m. to tell her that she is forgiven and can now pet me.

I will not scratch the children of lawyers, no matter how much they chase me or how hard they pull my tail.

If I MUST claw my human, I will not do it in such a fashion that the scars resemble a botched suicide attempt.

If I must give a present to my human's overnight guests, my toy mouse is much more socially acceptable than a big live cockroach, even if it isn't as tasty.

I will not soak my catnip toy in the water bowl to make tea. I will not get high and sit there drinking my tea and kneading the floor afterwards. I will not then get delusions of grandeur and make tea in the toilet bowl or the tub. And I will not try to make tea with used socks, dirty panties or hair scrunches when my humans take the catnip toy away from me.

A warm pepperoni pizza is not a good place for a nap.

Cat Resolutions...?

That is great. I really like the "I will not swat at my humans head when on the floor doing sit ups" one. I have dog who does that!

Cat Resolutions...?

What ever.

Cat Resolutions...?

lol i like the one about eating spider plants

Cat Resolutions...?


Cat Resolutions...?

those are all great!! good job. :)

Cat Resolutions...?

I will give up my obsessive love for my humans favourite black sweater (which will never truly be rid of my shiny white hairs, hee, hee) and instead move onto something more in my league. Perhaps a dish towel?

Do you think every one the press and the like are giving Britney Spears a lot of grief?

Too much , I mean she chose a life in the spotlight when she became a performer but shouldnt we go easy on her if she's making loads of mistakes along the way. she's only human and cutting her hair was a cry for help she's confused and doesnt know what she wants and that last performance on stage where she was a shadow of her former self shouldnt get jibed at,

We should look atourselves when we were young and making decisions we wernt sure of. She needs to be cut some slack, shes a good girl at heart and hasn't done anyone any harm. Lets not forget she did entertain very well , so what if she's off the boil momentarily.

I say keep your chin high Britney.

Who agrees?

Do you think every one the press and the like are giving Britney Spears a lot of grief?

I think this must be a tough time for her, but as the saying goes, no press is bad press.

Do you think every one the press and the like are giving Britney Spears a lot of grief?

I say we have no right to judge her, while she may a bit off whack sometimes, but she did entertain well in the past and everyone has personal isssues and problems which can sometimes lead us to make bad decisions, i think she needs good help more than criticism from the public and the press.

Do you think every one the press and the like are giving Britney Spears a lot of grief?

you really don't have lives, who cares about Britney, let she does what she wants it's her life, she's not the member of your family, so who cares?

Do you think every one the press and the like are giving Britney Spears a lot of grief?

everyone deserves a another chance

Do you think every one the press and the like are giving Britney Spears a lot of grief?

What everyone fails to realize is when she "chose" to get into this life she wasnt reallyold enought o tfully understand the impact.....secondly she is normal..but people want to make her look like the bad guy...young peopl do worse things everyday! SHE WASNT READY for the last performance what she needs is encouragement not criticismn...It must be aweful to have a life where you can never know the true intentions of anyone involved..including family.....

Do you think every one the press and the like are giving Britney Spears a lot of grief?

I agree with you totally, bro.

I've criticized a few of Britney's actions before but I don't have the right to judge her as a person. The young lady needs help and a lot of encouragement, and it's really sad to see her wasting her life away.

All of us have made stupid decisions and poor judgments at least once or twice in our lives and that doesn't make us qualified to throw the first stone at her.

Movie with a dragon and a red-haired kid?

Does anyone remember the name of a movie that had an animated dragon and a normal human kid with red hair....I don`t know why taht movie came into my mind...the movie its just a blurr in my mind, but i need to remember if it even existed that movie


Movie with a dragon and a red-haired kid?

petes dragon

Movie with a dragon and a red-haired kid?

Was it Pete's Dragon?

Movie with a dragon and a red-haired kid?

PETE'S DRAGON! Gosh, I have not thought of that movie in years! The best part is when Pete and ELLIOTT (the dragon) sing "I Love You, Too". Hee hee.

Movie with a dragon and a red-haired kid?

Pete's Dragon

Movie with a dragon and a red-haired kid?

Pete's Dragon? I loved that film when I was a kid. Also starred Mickey Rooney.

Can anyone guess my name?

i might liv under the sea, red hair, shell friends, swimming is as easy as it can be. i like humans.comb my hair wit a fork. it starts with A, ends with L. guess it?

Can anyone guess my name?

Ariel !!!!! Now where did you leave Sebastian and Flounder ?

Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?

ariel...ya gotta love the little mermaid!!

Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?


under the sea, under the seaaaaa

down here is better down here is wetter take it from meeeee

Can anyone guess my name?


i was going to say sponge bob when i read live under the sea ahahaha

Can anyone guess my name?

From the litle Mermade


Can anyone guess my name?

Miss Lovely Ariel!

Can anyone guess my name?

arial the little mermaid!!! lol, when i was little i LOVED her. i think when i was 10 i watched that movie like 3 times in one day and my mom came in and she was all like i'm sick and tired of that movie, turn it off!!!

i loved it so much, i even showed it to my little brother. : ) i feel so sorry for him now.

Can anyone guess my name?


My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

The problem are is down by his willy and he also has what looks like lots of black moles. He does not have fleas and the do not look like ticks, the look excall like a white-head looks on a human. We keep his hair short so the are very easy to see. He goes walking on the moore's a lot and like to role around next to dead animals, im worried he has pick up some deasse. They dont seem to be bothering him. I have bathed him with normal dog shampoo and this has not made any difference.

My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

It sounds like Canine staph infection, caused initially by an allergy to something, likely grasses rubbing n his belly. When you get home form the moors, wipe his belly with baby wipes or such...I use diluted Listerine on a wahscloth...he may need an antibiotic cream from the vet to get rid of the initial infection. Canine Staph infection is not contagious to humans.

My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

I would take it to the vet, it sounds like one form of Mange. It also could be ant bites.

My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

I would get a vet to check him out. Could be an allergic reaction, or a number of other things causing irritation.

My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

Bacterial infection, parasite or mange of some kind, allergic reaction to some plant he rolled in are all possible, all need different treatment. See the vet.

My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

My Yorkie had something like that before and it turned out that he was allergic to the grass. I would take him to the Vet and get it checked out.

My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

i've had three whippets and this has happened with all of them. and it is exclusive to the summer time when they are running through long weeds and such. it also didn't seem to bother them despite it seeming to get very bad (lots of coverage and very red and looking like it's irritated). the vet could not diagnose it and eventually it went away. this could always be something different than what our dogs had which seemed to be irritations from thistle or other vegetation. likely the vet won't do anything about it, but no harm in checking, other than the bill!

My dog has spots on his belly that look like white heads, and his belly is very red?

He has a staph infection and needs to be on antibotics immediately.

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

1. What is the longest word in the dictionary? (A clue: The answer is the plural form of the word.)

2. Every day the man saw his dog ran into the woods. However, he noticed that the dog never ran more than halfway into the woods. Why?

3.What can you hold without it ever using your arms or hands?

4.An island and the letter "t" have something in common. What is it?

5. Which side of a human has the most hair?

Good Luck! :-)

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

1.Smiles - there is a mile between the two S's.

2.The dog couldn't run more than halfway into the woods, because after halfway he would be no longer be running into the woods, but out of them.

3.Your breath.

4.They are both in the middle of water. (waTer)

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?



2.after halfway he'd be running out of the woods


4.both r in the middle of waTer

5.the outside

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

Smiles.. it has a mile inbetween the first and last letter

After that they ran halfway out of the woods

Your breath

Both are in the middle of waTer

The Outside

(errm is a good answer @ rock-on)

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

1. ?

2. after the halfway point, the dog would be running out of the woods

3. your breath

4. ?

5. the outside

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?


2. because there's a lake halfway into the woods.

3. breath


5. top side

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

1) miles

2)that was the mans house


4)both are in water......waTer

5)the outside

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?


2.they ran halfway out of the woods

3.your breath

4.both are in the middle of water

5.the outside

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

1. "Smiles" coz the first and last letters is a mile apart.

2. After halfway the dog would then be running out of the woods, not "into the woods".

3. a thought

4. It is in the middle of "waTer".

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

1. SmileS (there is a mile between the 2 S's)

2. The dog couldn't run more than halfway into the woods, because after halfway he would be no longer be running into the woods, but out of them.

3. Your breath

4. Both are in the middle of waTer

5. The outside of a human has the most hair

Good ones...

5 Short Riddles! Whoever answers the 5 correctly (or the most) gets ten points!?

1.Smiles - there is a mile between the two S's.

2.The dog couldn't run more than halfway into the woods, because after halfway he would be no longer be running into the woods, but out of them.

3.Your breath.

4.They are both in the middle of water. (waTer)

5.the outside

I want a weave but I dont know if partial or full is better and I need good shops in the chicago are

also Which Kind of hair to get to make it look natural human.... (price)I need hair weave 101

I want a weave but I dont know if partial or full is better and I need good shops in the chicago area help!!!!

First of all it depends on what kind of look your going for. Some people just get a few tracks and leave some of their natural hair out, and some people want a full head, usually if they're going for a completely diffrent look like a new hair color or a diffrent texture.

I want a weave but I dont know if partial or full is better and I need good shops in the chicago area help!!!!

this site gives instruction on how to do it:

this site will give you a salon:

New Theory : Aryans came from a Distant Star System?

The Aryan race they believed, were inhabitants from a distant star system called Alderbaran (which is 64 lightyears away). They were described as average human height, with blond hair and blue eyes, women wore their hair long and the tradition was for it not to be cut. It is said that when the aryans exercised "psychic" potential, they glowed white aura. They held a small star empire consisting of four systems or "realms (Reich)".

FACT : Ancient Brahmins %26amp; Kshatriyas were Dark Skinned Dravadians

New Theory : Aryans came from a Distant Star System?

I have a bridge in Brooklyn. Since you believe this, would you be interested in that?

New Theory : Aryans came from a Distant Star System?

It is all cock and bull story.

New Theory : Aryans came from a Distant Star System?

not a therory

a myth

New Theory : Aryans came from a Distant Star System?

No they didn't - it's pure poppycock. And who says this rubbish anyway?

New Theory : Aryans came from a Distant Star System?

No No the Nordics, not aryans get that right, Nordics of a distant system.

note: in an ancient incan library in mexico, there is in Inca in Mexico only Aztec.

get your facts right.

New Theory : Aryans came from a Distant Star System?

The aryan races come from an area just north of INDIA and migrated into the north .

They were followed by the gaels in later centuries.

That is proven historical fact.The romans referred to them as goths and visi goths .The gaels (celtic tribes)they referred to as gauls.

Northern climates and intermarriage with existing tribes(slavic/hunnish) after a few centuries lightened their skin and hair and also resulted in hairier bodys.

As for your unexplained mystery there is no explanation for myth or one that will satisfy people who beleive in myth.

Does anyone remember this show I used to watch when I was younger on PBS kids?

It was about three kids and they went to this shop and in the shop lived these 2 or 3 really tiny barbie sized people in a dollhouse, they hid from the humans and liked commerials. Then, this had to do with the show, but I think maybe someone was telling a story or something, there was this goblins and I remmeber in one episode, there was this erasing stick and you could erase your face, your chair, anything and some character accidentally erased his nose and then someone erased a chair. I don't remember that much , but I used to love this show!!! Please help me find out what it is. If it helps, I know one of the girl actual human characters had dark hair sometimes in pigtails.

Does anyone remember this show I used to watch when I was younger on PBS kids?

I think that is Molly's Comfy Couch.

Does anyone remember this show I used to watch when I was younger on PBS kids?

molly's comfy couch

Does anyone remember this show I used to watch when I was younger on PBS kids?

i think I might have seen that show before. I remember it being called Molly's Comfy Couch or somthing like that.

Hope It Helped!!!

Does anyone remember this show I used to watch when I was younger on PBS kids?

What year?

Does anyone remember this show I used to watch when I was younger on PBS kids?

The big comfy couch then? Kidding... Maybe... It was about the doll Molly. I use to watch that all the time. It could be... I honestly am drawing a blank. Unless you might mean The Munchkins?

Note: Big comfy couch was the name of the show, not Molly's comfy couch.

Pixelchis's God and Barber argument (Continue)?

I am refering to

pixelchix's argument about God and Barber.


Just for the sake of argument Ok, no personal.

God of Genesis is different from Barber

God of Genesis is omnipotent, omniscience, benevolent and omnipresent.

Barber is human ( claimed to be created ), imperfect, need money to survise. have only 2 hands to cut hair.

If barber were given power like God of Genesis, i would say all human would had NO HAIR, cause barber will be enjoying his life in the heaven ( no more need to cut hair to support himself ).

Healthy discussion ok.

Pixelchis's God and Barber argument (Continue)?

i agree and also,if a barber went into hiding and left no traces of his whereabouts or even that he had once existed,can he later complain that people don't know of his existence?

Pixelchis's God and Barber argument (Continue)?

And the question is...

Pixelchis's God and Barber argument (Continue)?

A clever, moving argument, but not a valid one. The barber would have to stay at home, never put up a sign, never advertise. Instead, a chain of franchise barbershops, full of untrained fans of the barber, springs up. People who come in may get haircuts, good or bad, or they may not, or they may start cutting hair themselves out of devotion to the good reputation of the barber. That's how the allegory really works.

Where do humans evolved from ? Is Darwin right?

Ha! the only thing that I wonder about human evolution / Darwin theory is while human female has lot of hair why not the ape, monkey and the gorialls do...

According to Darwin! Any thing that isnt used should deminish! right?

Then if we are form Ape/Gorillas/monkey/ why did hair that are not used by above animals grew in size for us ?

Are we a sect of our own type ?

Where do humans evolved from ? Is Darwin right?

Yes we branched off from their line over 2 million years ago so there should be considerable variations (we walk erect). At some point in history human hair may have been a way to attract members of the opposite sex (you forgot that males have long hair too).

Evolution is not that quick to say that we are from apes, apes and us are from the same tree jsut as we are from the same evolutionary tree as all other mammals. we just broke off from others at different times in the history of the earth.

Where do humans evolved from ? Is Darwin right?

Mathematically Darwin wrong, because ape evolution to human will need dozen millions of years.

but on the other hand he is right human evolves but not as fast as he said.

Where do humans evolved from ? Is Darwin right?


One of them is called as Dubya Bush, and currently is acting as president of America ;-)

Where do humans evolved from ? Is Darwin right?

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Where do humans evolved from ?

Judging by your spelling and grammar we probably evolved from a dyslexic parakeet. ;-)

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; Is Darwin right?

No, Darwin was wrong. It was proven that Darwin was wrong some 80 years ago. That is why no scientist accepts Darwin閳ユ獨 theory. Only creationists talk about Darwin as though he has some validity. Real scientists work with a theory of evolution that is a combination of Darwinism, genetic theory and developmental theory.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Ha! the only thing that I wonder about human evolution / Darwin theory is while human female has lot of hair why not the ape, monkey and the gorialls do...

Huh? I don閳ユ獩 know where you live but where I live human females have very little hair while gorillas and other apes along with monkey and the gorillas have a lot of hair.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;According to Darwin! Any thing that isnt used should

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;deminish! right?

Wrong. Darwin never said anything remotely like that.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Then if we are form Ape/Gorillas/monkey/ why did hair

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;that are not used by above animals grew in size for

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;us ?

Once again I have no idea where you live, but where I come from most humans have hair that has shrunk in size compared to the other primates. What wild and woolly tribe do you come from that has hair that has grown in size compared to gorillas?

Where do humans evolved from ? Is Darwin right?

Your question about where the lack of female body hair comes from can be answered in one simple word. Hormones.

Ever notice that when a boy goes through puberty he begins to grow body hair at an accelerated rate? That's not evolution, my friend. That is a simple chemical change within the body.

When people undergo transexual operations, one of the things they go through is hormone treatment. Increasing the estrogen levels in a man will eventually hinder the body's production of body hair. This will also give the man a little bit of breast tissue.

Pets with cancer?

On Nightline today, the presneter was talking about medical expenses for pets and mentioned chemotherapy as one of the treatments pets receive for cancer. My question is do our furry friends who undergo chemo lose their fur. I mean humans lose their hair because of chemo......

Pets with cancer?

In my experience, only a few animals lose hair whilst undergoing chemotherapy. Even then, they usually don't go completely bald- the coat might go a little bit thin, or they might lose their whiskers, etc.

There is a difference between chemo in humans and animals. In humans, the ultimate aim of chemo is generally curative rather than palliative, so therapy must be extremely aggressive. Chemotherapy drugs by their very nature are toxic to cells, which is why so many adverse effects are seen in human cancer patients.

In animals, chemo is basically just a palliative treatment- it may only add another few months to the animal's life but in relative terms (because of the much shorter lifespan), this is similar to giving a person maybe another 5-10 years. In most cases, the animal will still die or be euthanased because of its cancer, but will have had a few months with good quality of life where the cancer has been held at bay by the therapy.

Because of this difference, although the drugs are the same, the drug doses used in animals are much, much lower than those used in people. This means that animals on chemo tend to experience far fewer side effects than their human counterparts. Some animals will prove to be overly sensitive to some drugs, which may mean that the protocol needs to be altered, but on the whole most seem to cope with it very well indeed.

Pets with cancer?

yes they do

it's really sad to see

Pets with cancer?

If you go to there are alot of groups for dogs and even cats who have cancer. They would know everything. I think they do lose some hair though, yes. But more thinning of the hair. Not going bald all over.

Pets with cancer?

Not all humans undergoing Chemo loose their Hair, Not all Animals do either.

Pets with cancer?

I dont know but i would have to put the good fellow down. There is no way i would let any of my animals live like that they just deserve better than that. I would think that they would lose their fur. It would make sense bc we do.

Pets with cancer?

yeah they do but they are a LITTLE BIT more resistant ot it or what ever u want to call it

Pets with cancer?

Many dogs do not lose their hair during chemo; however, like people, some do lose their hair. It really depends on the individual dog. I had a miniature schnauzer who had cancer on her back right leg and so it had to be amputated- then a few years later we noticed another lump and found out the cancer had spread so after a few months she had to be put to sleep because she could not function correctly because of the cancer (couldn't eat, had seizures, etc). She never had to undergo chemo; however, many pet owners put their pets through chemo because it gives the pet and owner more time together.

Factual or Fictional?

Cold water is better when rinsing out your conditioner?

Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards?

Greasy food is good for a hangover?

The Platypus is the only egg laying mammal?

Sharks don't actually like the taste of humans?

Brushing your hair before it's completely dry will give you split ends?

Drinking a beer the next morning will actually help a hangover?

Factual or Fictional?


Factual or Fictional?


Factual or Fictional?


Factual or Fictional?

sounds mostly factual to me. not too sure on the hair ones, though....mine's always in rollers.....

Factual or Fictional?

um... okay,,,,,,, A!

Factual or Fictional?

sounds good


Factual or Fictional?

1) idk

2) True

3) False

4) False

5) True

6) False

7) i think its True

Factual or Fictional?

All are facts

Factual or Fictional?








Factual or Fictional?

1. Only if your hair has been recently colored.

2. No bird can fly backwards.

3. Drinking water while drinking alcohol is the only thing that can prevent a hangover.

4. True

5. I have never asked a shark how he felt about a human burger.

6. Combing your hair with a wide tooth comb while it is wet will lessen breakage.

7. I can not even stand to see beer when I am hungover.

Factual or Fictional?







fact who feels like it though? Really?

Factual or Fictional?


Factual or Fictional?


Factual or Fictional?







Definitely T

Factual or Fictional?

All facts :-)

Factual or Fictional?

All facts except for the shark ones.If they didn't like us-then why are there so many darn shark attacks!?!?

Factual or Fictional?

facts but I don't know much about the hair ones or the hangover ones, how can sharks not like the taste of humans? we're delicious

Factual or Fictional?

1. Fact

2. Fact

3. True, but not good for your gut.

4. Fact

5. Fiction

6. Fiction

7. True, again not good for your liver.

Factual or Fictional?

the nongirly ones r facts, but the girly ones i hav no clue about

Factual or Fictional?

1\ T

2\ T

3\ T

4\ N/A

5\ N/A

6\ N/A

Factual or Fictional?

Cold water is better when rinsing out your conditioner?


Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards?


Greasy food is good for a hangover?


The Platypus is the only egg laying mammal?


Sharks don't actually like the taste of humans?


Brushing your hair before it's completely dry will give you split ends?


Drinking a beer the next morning will actually help a hangover?


Factual or Fictional?

1. Fictional...Warm

2. Fact

3. Fiction...Really bad for a hangover

4. Fact...double check though

5. Fiction...They don't like our the meat.

6. Who knows...maybe if your hair isn't healthy...I have short hair

7. Absolute fact...bloody mary is better...the vodka doesn't smell on your breath.

Factual or Fictional?

Some are true, some are false. The Platypus is one of TWO egg-laying mammals. Egg-laying mammals are called 'monotremes'. They are the most primitive mammal. The other is the Echidna.

If sharks didn't like the taste of humans, why did they eat a bunch of people who wound up plane-crashed in the middle of the ocean?

Factual or Fictional?

1. For conditioners, any water will rinse it out...however, you shouldn't over rinse, otherwise the whole reason for using conditioner will be negated. According to researchers at the Conditioning Institute, the best conditioner rinsing liquid is high fructose corn syrup, which also has the added advantage of being an automatic hair gel as well as a dessert topping.

2. Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards, unless you count Larry Bird as well as Lady Bird Johnson.

3. Greasy food works by creating a layer of fat which helps to absorb and breakdown ethanol. Thus the reason why Rosie O'Donnell can drink 12 mochatinis without feeling any ill effects.

4. The platypus is not the only egg laying has been found that Andy Dick can also lay eggs. By lay eggs, I mean, have sex with soft boiled Grade A eggs (free range, of course).

5. Sharks only like the taste of Republican flesh.

6. Split ends are most often caused by heat more so than mechanical means (like brushing). Unless your talking about something other than hair, there are no consequences to brushing wet hair. In fact, I'm sure someone would pay you for a webcam live feed of wet hair brushing. Sickos.

7. Drinking a beer after being intoxicated the previous night does not help in decreasing your blood alcohol level, but will help with hangover reduction mostly because you'll still be feeding the beast of drunkness. The best cure: seriously...exercise.

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

Do you wash him/her in the shower? or outside? If in the shower, warm or cold water (relative to humans)? Does her hair get stuck in the drainage?

Also - in her poo, I found a white worm crawling...i was freaked out! What should I do?

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

Where you wash your pup is up to you. The shower is fine, and better if it is cold outside. Warm water is good, not too hot, not too cold, same as for yourself. As long as you have a little catch in your drain, the hair won't clog the drain.

She has worms, obviously. You should take a fresh stool sample to your vet to have a fecal test done to determine what type of worm it is. Your vet will give you medication to administer to her, this is fairly inexpensive. There are clinics that do fecal tests as well. Visit this link for more info

its very important that you take care of worms as they can cause malnourishment and other illnesses

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

get her groomed by the groomer and get to the vet a worm pill runs about 30 .00

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

I use warm water in bathtub. Take a stool sample to vet. Worms are easy to treat.

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

in the summer i wash my dog outside with the hose with cold water and leave him in the sun to dry.

the rest of the seasons i wash my dog in the shower with warm water.

my dog's hair is short so it doesn't get stuck in the drain.

as for the worm in the pooh you should get the worm "type" diagnosed at a vet and he will proscribe and administer treatment (usually tablets).

if you use worm meds from a petstore or grocery/department store it will take a lot longer to treat and may not fully eliminate the problem.

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

get her to the vet asap, she may have worms!!! to give her a bath i wold do it outside if it is warm enough. make sure the water is WARM not to hot not to cold. yes hair will get stuck but they make special drain blocks u can use to block all the hair then you just take it off and throw out the hair on it!! good luck!! take her to the vet!

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

I did wash mine in the bathtub and found out it caused a LOT of blockage because their hair DOES go down the drain. Wash the door outside.

Use warm water.

The white worm is a tape worm and you need to get tape worm medicine and feed 1 pill for every 10#, with a maximum of 5 pills. Tape worms are pretty disgusting.

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

get her wormed. and you need to use warm water and inside

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

warm water is the best for them but if you want them to stay still in the shower you cant get there face wet cause i had to learned the hard way

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

Hello groomer here.... first of all there called tape worms and they come from fleas so you need to go to your vet and they will give him a shot to kill the worms the shot works best over the pills... About giving your dog do not was him in cold water it dose not feel good to them and it takes much longer to get the shampoo out of the dogs coat. You want to have the water warm not hot a dogs normal temp ranges between 100.5- 102.5.. so the water should not be to warm. Look at it this way if the water feels really good to you it 's to hot for your dog... If your dog has lots of fleas you can give him a bath using some dawn soap diluted be care full not to get it in your dogs eyes. If your going to bathe your dog yourself then use some baby shampoo around his face.Ask your vet for some flea medication like frontline, K9 advantix. stay away from the store brands like walmart or even the pet stores those brands are regulated and be very dangerous causing seizures are even brain damage or even death

Did you have a local news report on whats in these fancy boxes of chocs. ?

my local news crew, went to different stores and bought different boxes and hearts of the famous makers chocolates and took them straight to the lab where they melted them and microscoped the remnants. they found human and animal hairs, clothing fibers, bugs and i forget what else. i was done on the first one. they had all our typical favorites in this and they all failed on being just chocolates. i'll pass this year myself, did you hear about it ? are you still going to munch them ?

Did you have a local news report on whats in these fancy boxes of chocs. ?

hmm.. i never heard of that before.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

Back then few women shaved anywhere - it was a waste of time and money and the men were smart enough to love women for who they were, not where they shaved.

It's not, by the way, a hygiene thing, if you know what soap is. And for those who say it's gross, why is that? Humans have had hair since they were made. It protected us from the elements - harsh weather, even sunburn. If you're OK with having hair on your head, what's wrong with under your arms and on your legs? Are you shallow enough to jump down a well because everyone else is?

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

If I lived 100 years ago, I would probably follow the social norm, I wouldn't know anything else.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

Yes, I would still shave, just probably not as often.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

Yes, I like my smooth legs and hairless armpits. i wouldn't have it any other way. =]

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

yes. what a question.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

i hate to shave. i only shave in the summer and not that often.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

I probably wouldn't. Back then women were so covered up that no one would care anyway.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits? depends on what "few" means! I wouldn't because razors/hair removal products were probably really expensive back then.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

If I lived 100 years ago I probably wouldn't have shaved since the tools to do it were probably pretty rough. I shave now because I like the feel of soft and smooth legs and pits. I don't care what everyone else thinks. My skin is soft to touch. I hear it from my husband all the time. It makes him happy. That's why I do it.

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?

I wouldn't shave then... shaving is something most people just think you should do...shave your legs and all of that...and with bikinis and with what a lot of guys expect...the shaving thing gets to be too feel like have to shave and shave and shave...

...sometimes it is good to take a break from it....wear pants sometimes when not shaving or surf shorts instead of a bikini....

Women: if you lived a hundred years ago, would you still shave your legs and/or armpits?


Can anyone guess my name?

i might liv under the sea, red hair, shell friends, swimming is as easy as it can be. i like humans.comb my hair wit a fork. it starts with A, ends with L. guess it?

Can anyone guess my name?

Ariel !!!!! Now where did you leave Sebastian and Flounder ?

Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?

ariel...ya gotta love the little mermaid!!

Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?


Can anyone guess my name?


under the sea, under the seaaaaa

down here is better down here is wetter take it from meeeee

Can anyone guess my name?


i was going to say sponge bob when i read live under the sea ahahaha

Can anyone guess my name?

From the litle Mermade


Can anyone guess my name?

Miss Lovely Ariel!

Can anyone guess my name?

arial the little mermaid!!! lol, when i was little i LOVED her. i think when i was 10 i watched that movie like 3 times in one day and my mom came in and she was all like i'm sick and tired of that movie, turn it off!!!

i loved it so much, i even showed it to my little brother. : ) i feel so sorry for him now.

Can anyone guess my name?


How often should I give my cat a bath?

I think it would be a good idea to get into a daily habbit of giving him a bath after I take a shower. But would that be bad for the cat's hair? I know a lot of humans wash their hair once every other day to keep it in better condition.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

Once a month is good that's how often I bathe my cat.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

cats are very capable of bathing themselves. You dont need to give a cat a bath

How often should I give my cat a bath?

our vet told us NEVER give a cat a bath... they clean themselves just fine!


How often should I give my cat a bath?

Do not wash your cat every day.

Cats bath themselves and are very clean animals because of how regularly they DO bath themselves.

The only time you would need to give your cat a bath is if:

- he/she has the runns and it's all through their fur

- he/she is being entered into a cat show

- he/she has come home covered in mud

By bathing them you strip their hair of the naturally occuring waterproofing which can cause the cat problems when out in the rain.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

Do not give your cat a bath. They can clean themselves. It would be a very bad idea.

How often should I give my cat a bath?


How often should I give my cat a bath?

ive never washed my cat in 4 years of owning her. they bathe themselves, but if its an outdoor cat u might wanna wash him/her 1nce to 2wice a year

How often should I give my cat a bath?

EEYYYY. dont give your cat a bath. they are capable to bathe themselves. they dont need baths. i never ever ever bathe my cat. you shouldn't.. lol..

How often should I give my cat a bath?

Cats shed a lot, so it's not a good idea to give it a bath EVERY day. Once a month is good, my grandmother is a "hoarder" but she takes good care of her cats and bathes them about once a month so they don't get too skanky.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

only when they are very dirty, like if your cat goes outside a lot, you should give them a bath at least once in their lifetime...

How often should I give my cat a bath?

put some baby shampoo in the toilet. in one fluid movement, toss the cat in, shut the lid, and sit on it. after five minutes, have your spouse open the front door. in another fluid movement, stand up, open the lid, and make sure there is no one in the cat's way between the bathroom and the door.

Good luck.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

My doughtier always bather her cat, not daily but once a month or so. It helps keeping the shedding hair. and I think the cat likes it too.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

You might never have to give your cat a bath. Their fur is much different from the hair on your head. Besides, the cat uses its tongue, which is specially designed to clean the fur. If you get a steel-toothed dog comb you can use this to groom your cat. While you're at it you can look in your cat's ears and check her teeth. It's good to do this on a regular basis and if it's done from when they're very young they tolerate it well. When you groom your cat, give him a treat afterwards and he will consider it a positive experience. My cats just love to be groomed. (But they'll never like baths.)

However, if a cat goes outside it can get into stinky stuff and can get into oil and grease, too. If you feel you need to give your cat a bath, please use a shampoo specially designed for cats. Human shampoo can be harmful to the cat's skin and since the cats lick themselves it could make them sick, too. Most cats keep themselves very clean. But there is the rare cat that is a complete slob and he or she may need to be bathed. A cat that keeps itself clean rarely smells like anything, and I've been very close to lots of cats. I'm an incurable cat kisser. (But not on the lips!)

How often should I give my cat a bath?

most of ur answers i'ld ignore if i was you giving ur cat a bath is actually a good idea it doesnt strip them of any special fur like the one answer mentioned. cats dont have waterproof fur and standard fur. cats are capable of taking care of themselves this true. however u can give a cat a bath with special shampoos for pets. also by doing so u'll get rid of loose hairs u may have missed by brushing. even if u wanna do the pet show thing. its best to get a cat used to the feel and sound of water as a kitten. then itll be safer to bath later on

How often should I give my cat a bath?

Cats and humans have very different hygenic needs. You should only need to bathe your cat when he's definitely dirty (visibly dirty, slightly smelly). The only time I can think of it being a near MUST is when you welcome another pet into the family--bathing every animal with a common soap will make them equals/more at ease with each other/more distinctive smelling as the bath wears away.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

You can give your cat a bath, but not every day. My cat has to be bathed biweekly because one of my family members has allergies. He is also getting a bit old now and kinda stinks, so the bath is the only way we can tolerate his tendancy to like to snuggle. Other than those two reasons or because the cat gets dirty, I don't know why else he'd need a bath. Except for a few select breeds, they really don't like baths. Also, they do a pretty good job staying clean by themselves.

To answer your question, I doubt it would hurt his hair, he'd just hate it and may develop a "phobia" of the area you are bathing him.

How often should I give my cat a bath?

chuck it in the washing machine daily, then in the dryer to fluff up his coat

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I read some scientific studies that said that the reason humans have body hair is because it produces certain pheromones (sexually stimulating odors) that attracted women to men etc.

So are women really attracted to it and do they smell some kind of pheromones on men with body hair that they like??

Or is this study just BS?

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

i think it depends on the woman. if they like it they do if they dont then shave it off lol

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

Depends on where the hair is. I personally dont find it attractive, especially on the back.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

bodyhair retains the body odor.. and most probably a person will produce more body odor when (very) hairy.

Some women love a sweaty smell on a man, others don't. I guess some women like a hairy man, either because they feel it's very masculine, or because they (also) like body odor.

But I am sure there are a lot of women who don't like hairy man at all... me, for instance... brrr.

Does this help?

Greetings from Holland!

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I would not say it was BS it really all depends on who they studied how many they studied and where they studied. Everyone is different and has a different preference. I personally prefer a man with little bodt hair. I like the back, chest and butt areas to be free of hair if at all possible. But that is just my preference.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

This woman likes body hair on a male. Especially chest and arms.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

In the end, I could care less, but yeah, I would find it weird if the male were hairless. It strikes me as too feminine and I'm really not looking forward to being with another woman in bed.

As far as the pheromone scent part goes, your guess is as good as mine.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

It depends on the guy, where the hair is, and about a dozen other things. I personally don't like a LOT of hair, but I'm not interested in one of those guys who looks like he hasn't got a hair on his body, either.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

Honestly after a great nights sleep I find this scent my boyfriend gives off comforts me and I love it. I don't know what it might have to do with his body hair but he does have some light hair I love.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I personally think hair is dirty and gross. I like clean, smooth skin on a guy. Wax on.....wax off!!! It may hurt, but it looks sooo good!

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I find the body hair on my man especially attractive on very chilly nights :)

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

May be you are correct in someway. The man with more hair naturally sweats. The male hormone smell will attract women. It is quite natural. Some may have bad smell so have to use perfumes of that kind to attract.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

This is just my opinion but for me, it depends on where it is. I find it attractive. It shows manliness to me if that makes sense. I like it on the legs (don't shave your legs guys please!) and the goody trail is cute too...

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

i think that hair on the chest; no!

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

body hair all the way. It is masculine. Kind of un masculine without any. I feel more feminine with a man that has absolutly nothing feminine about their appearance.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I think it depends on the woman. I find some hair attractive as long as it's not on the back or too abundant.

Scientists have also said that after a man gets up from a chair, or couch, leaves the room and a woman comes in, pheromones are left behind and the woman will choose the seat where the man sat. But men also choose those same seats. I'm not a scientist, but when I found out about the chair study, I did some studying myself, and 99% of the time, a woman did choose the seat a man had recently vacated. I don't think it's BS.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I shave my body hair for my woman.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I don't

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I think it depends where the hair is

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

No body hair for this gal. Although it is helpful to have plenty of it on your head:-)))

The body odor, hair angle doesn't make darwinian sense. We evolved from a much hairier predecessor so I believe we are decreasing the amount of body hair with each subsequent generation and some of us have more of it than others. I don't recall a biological connection between body hair and suitability as a mate in anything before. Height, gurth, skin, etc. are a different story.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

i personally like body hair on a guy - i think it's manly - sometimes too much on the back can be excessive, but it really doesn't bother me, as long as the man showers regularly, that's more important - i do not like a man that shaves himsellf completely - it seems too gay to me.

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I am the gal who loves body hair...I find it very sexy, I was a little girl and said to my day I wanna marry a man like my PaPa cause I like all those hairs on incase anyone wonders...there was nothing sexual between my PaPa and me....I just really like'd that hair look

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

I find body hair gross and smelly, this is he exact reason I do not like excessive body hair because it stinks and causes odor. Just my opinion. God bless *

Do Women Find Bodyhair On Men Attractive??

It's all about personal preference. I personally don't find it attractive.

Extentions and Hairbows?

How do I put 'stripes' in hair extensions (100% human)?

Like racoon looking wise?

And if I cant make them, where can I buy them?


how do you make your own hairbows?

Extentions and Hairbows?

I watched by friend make a hair bow, but I can't remember all the steps and it would be too hard to explain...

But I can help you with the coon stripes.

Take a human hair extension, the width can be your preference.

Then take the hair dye of your choice and put it on in stripes.

Like from left to right, about an inch or so thick.

Then move down an inch or so, depending on hair length and do it again.

Wait until it is all processed and then use ICE COLD water to rinse it so that the color doesn't bleed. Use a conditioner on it and then let it air dry.

Extentions and Hairbows?

Its not difficult to make simple bows, but buying all of the ribbon just to make one bow will seem wasteful. There are some really good home business craft guys out there that sell them. Check out They have some really cute bows there for good prices. Report It

Extentions and Hairbows?

You can buy hair exteniosn at Sally's Beauty. They do not sell racoon ones but I'm sure you could do it yourself.

This is how to make a hairbow:

1. Select a ribbon. Satin, velvet, nylon, cotton, gingham - whatever takes your fancy. Be aware that the more slippery the fabric, the harder to work with and the same if it is very thick. It is good to start with a grosgrain ribbon to practice with. The more expert that you become at making hair bows, the easier it will become and you can explore other types of ribbon.

2. Choose a width of ribbon that suits the bow you wish to make.

3. Measure ribbon to the length you desire. Cut it.

4. Fold both ends of the ribbon into the center. Glue the ends to stay together.

5. Take a small piece of ribbon and wrap it around the center. Glue it shut.

6. Slide a clip/bobbypin under the wrap you just did. Glue it there for support.

7. Your hair bow ribbon is ready for you to wear.

Best software for image editing.?

Can you please sugest me a software with which i can change backgrounds of images, combine two of them, can change hair styles of human images and many more functions like that.

Best software for image editing.?

Either Jasc Paint Shop Pro or Ulead Photo Impact

Microsoft has good one too called Digital Image Pro

Kodak has a simple one. So does Polaroid.

You can download any of these for trial

Best software for image editing.?

I think ulead photoimpact would do else you can try out the adobe CS indesign complete pack.

Best software for image editing.?

Adobe Photoshop CS2 . use all over the world by professionals. Magazine covers, ad's etc.

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

In my household we were taught that "God" was a spirit, but meantime we had the old historically inaccurate picture of the blonde hair, blue eyed human being. "Jesus" "God" are one? The truth is not hard to find. We choose to hide what is true to continue this destructive lie.

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

I know what u are saying... My mom always told me that nobody know what he looks like She never had those pictures of "Christ" in her house and when we saw them other places and asked she said a man good enough for us!! And this is exactly what i will do for my kids believe or not some people get offended if you dont tell your child that is a picture of "jesus"!!

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?


When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

I see a word.

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

some guy go craxy about an image on a tortilla

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?


When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

Funnily enough an image of God from a painting I saw as a kid pops into my head. I'm in my forties and I still see that same picture.

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?


When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

Three letters.

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

An imaginary friend

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

I dont think what he looks like is important~He loves us all no matter what we or he looks like

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

nothing... the democrats have conditioned me to see, think or hear nothing with the mere mention of god.

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

Have you ever watched the lightning as it jumps through the clouds on a warm summer evening lighting them up from the inside.

Love and blessings Don

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

Someone misspelled "dog".

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

A blurry scene, with a lot of white around!

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

George Burns

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

I see Ian MaKellan in his Gandalf costume.!

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

Morgan Freeman

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?


But then, I'm dyslexic! :)

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

My image is of Woden charging through the sky on his eight legged horse, swinging his war hammer.

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

I see the ceiling of the Sistine chapel.

That depiction of a muscle bound father god being another brick in my atheist foundation.


When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

Allah and I cannot see him or make images of him

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

he looks like dumbledoor from harry potter

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

Nothing because it is merely a title for a position. What do you see when I say president?

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

i always imagine a mosque [hehehe, funny huh??]

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

I see 4 Hebrew letters.

I DON'T see an image because he said for us not to create any images. Look at the world around you: people are kissing crosses, medals, statues and holy cards! That's not worshiping G-d, that's paying respect to an image. For one, Yeshua was not some blonde haired blue eyed male.


When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

A fake

When I say the word "GOD" what image do you see?

god is not human at all

anyway when I say god the Image I do see is huge light in the sky

and as I know Jesus was not look like me he have Arabian form

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

In the book Eragon is dark haired and dark colored eyes, but in the movie he's blonde haired and blue eyes. In the book Arya has pointy ears and dark hair and in the movie she haves reddish hair and has human ears, I think they should borrow some ears of The Lord of the Ring's elves :) Also Saphira has feathered wings in the movie and in the book her wings are like bats wings.

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

yeah we all notice it but know body have the guts to say anything .im not saying you are or any body else but do you think it's a raceces thing . if you are still like in to the question e-mail your anwser to

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

Fran: It make me angry too.

Airforce: Man that's a really good point, but what about the other things that I said?

Pen: That's true.

Hazel: Tha'ts aufully true and there is more comparisson about it. Report It

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

Never seen it but I get annoyed when films don't use the book's description!

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

Yep. They didn't want Arya to look like Arwen.

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

I haven't seen the movie yet. Didn't even know there was one made. :(

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

Just like the second newer edition movie of Dune how can they switch all the hair colors around? It was all built upon the royal families and their respective black, blond, or red hair. Why make a movie that is not true to the book? Just be happy you read the book first instead of seeing the movie and ruining it all.

Just curious, does anyone notice this things about the movie and the book of Eragon?

grr i didn't know but now i'm not sure if i wanna see the movie.. saphira's wings... big letdown!

Do humans have tiny hairs in their esophagus?

Excuse me if my spelling is incorrect.

Do humans have tiny hairs in their esophagus?

the esophagus is the "tube" that carried food from your mouth to your stomach. it has muscels that help "push" the food through but does not have tiny hairs. The tiny hair are called cilia, but they are present only in the trachea, or windpipe, which carried oxygen from your mouth to your lungs.

Do humans have tiny hairs in their esophagus?


Do humans have tiny hairs in their esophagus?

no the tiny hairs are in the intestines called violi

Do humans have tiny hairs in their esophagus?

No They dont....there are no follicules in any part of the digestive tract, follicules are the root pieces of the hair, from which hair grow, and perhaps you are mistaking "hairs" with cilia, or microscopic prolongation of the plasma, that do exist in the pipeline (trachea) where they are part of the microscopic composition of such organ....we find those in the larynx,,,,however, the humas esophagus does not posess by definition neither small cilia, nor big cilia----(OR TINY HAIRS IF YOU PREFER)

Do humans have tiny hairs in their esophagus?

Food is moved through the esophagus through muscle contractions. The tiny hairs you're thinking of is cilia in your nose that catches dirt particles, pollen, etc. and moves mucous along. This all has to do with the respiratory system, not the digestive system. The esophagus is not part of the digestive system. I hope this helps!

Looking to see what all the ladies think?

Would you date a guy that had waxed all his body hair off except for his arms cause he thought that hair on a human body was just dirty looking and gross? why or why not

Looking to see what all the ladies think?

WOW. Ya sure because it is whtas on the inside that matters

Looking to see what all the ladies think?


Looking to see what all the ladies think?

yes, some people don't like hair.. it gets gross when they are stubbly but anyway.. but i wouldnt hold it against him

Looking to see what all the ladies think?

I don't like hairy guys. It's gross IMO.

Looking to see what all the ladies think?

well yeah. i mean it doesn't bother me. so yeah i guess.

Looking to see what all the ladies think?

i like hairy guys. so i would see that guy as a little obsessive and over the top.

Looking to see what all the ladies think?

uh.. didnt you ask this question a long time ago... like the exact same question..

anyways.. really answering it.. it wouldnt matter to me. some people dont like hair on their body and some people dont care..

Looking to see what all the ladies think?


Ladies, I'm getting my first weave next week, and I'd like to know your maintenance tips!?

I'm an African American female, and I work in a corporate environment, so I'm going for a basic bobbed style. I'll be relaxing my hair, and then my stylist will sew the weave in! The hair is 100%human, Milky Wave Yacky Perm 1b (my sistas' know exactly what I'm talking about!). I dont know how to care for such a style. Please provide tips on daily maintanence. What stylling products and tools would you recomend?

Ladies, I'm getting my first weave next week, and I'd like to know your maintenance tips!?

Treat it as if it were your own natural hair!!! Use a light gloss to give it a shine and remember to pull it back from time to time to oil your edges. My weave is to long for me to wash myself so I go to my hair dresser to get it washed and set...but I do that every two weeks(I have had this weave for two months). I wish you much success with your hair!!! Be Blessed

Ladies, I'm getting my first weave next week, and I'd like to know your maintenance tips!?

Eew, you sound gross.

Ladies, I'm getting my first weave next week, and I'd like to know your maintenance tips!?

When moisturizing the scalp, please a serum instead of oils. Something along the lines of Jamaican Mango N' Lime serum, Vitale 4-in-1 Growth serum, B%26amp;B Growth Serum, Profectiv Growth serum (in a applicator bottle), etc. For some reason, the oils gunks up pretty quickly. Maybe it is me. Good luck. Also ask the stylist what do they recommend in terms of products and maintenance.

Ladies, I'm getting my first weave next week, and I'd like to know your maintenance tips!?

Use your same styling products. Use extra care while shampooing. Do not scrub vigorously around the the cornrow. While detangeling use a very large wide tooth comb and hold the base of the extension tight against your scalp while you gently detangle. Best of luck.

Creationists, can you explain these?

Why do humans have useless hair (e.g., on legs and arms)?

Why do humans have a coccyx (i.e., a tailbone)?

Why do humans have wisdom teeth?

Why do humans have an appendix?

Heck, why do some humpback whales have leg bones found in their bodies?

Why do flightless birds have wings?

Why is God so imperfect? Is he screwing around having fun, or what? If he's NOT imperfect, then why all the imperfections?

Creationists, can you explain these?

I think creationists have proved that they cannot supply rational argument to support their belief.

One prominent creationist who I can't be bothered to name was thrown out of court once because of his total lack of knowledge of the facts of the world.

Creationists, can you explain these?

Good question. I believe in evolution, so I am going to star your question and see the answers. I think that something sparked life on Earth many millions of years ago, and evolution took place. It is scientific and there is no way to disprove it otherwise.

Creationists, can you explain these?

1. in past times people used to enjoy the smell of sweat and it got their hormones up.

2. it is necessary for a lot of things, check out Dr. Hovand. (not sure on spelling)

3. they can come in pretty handy. what, you would rather have no teeth.

4. it is not necessary but helps the immune system to fight of sickness.

5. those aren't legs but just tools for mating.

6. they have wings for other uses. penguin for swimming, etc.

7. he is perfect and there are no imperfections except for our sin. and that came because of Satan after the creation.

now a question for you. why not do some research before you make those kind of claims?

Creationists, can you explain these?

My favorite "Bloody Stupid Design" example is sickle cell anemia.

The gene that produces this also provides resistance to malaria. But if you end up with a double copy of the gene then you will die from sickle cell anemia.

This produces a few questions:

First, why produce a resistance to a disease that, under certain conditions, can kill you? Any designed resistance would not have this effect.

Since malaria exists across the tropical areas of the world why is it that only Africans have this resistance? Were Asians and Central American natives an earlier design that did not have this feature?

And why not everyone? Did the designer not realise that Europeans might travel to tropical climates? Why not put this design into their genetics, just in case.

It is only in the light of an evolutionary process that this makes any sense:

Africans evolved this resistance after the people that migrated and became Asians and American natives had left.

Sickle cell anemia does kill people, but in tropical climates it saves more from malaria than it kills, to it is a positive evolutionary trait.

For Europeans who rarely get exposed to malaria it is a negative evolutionary trait as it will kill more than it saves.

Creationists, can you explain these?

I don't consider myself a "creationist" in the strictest sense, but I do believe we were created... I think I can attempt to answer a couple of your questions...

1) Those who believe in the Genesis creation account would say that Adam and Eve did not wear clothes, so hair on the arms and legs would help keep the extremities warmer, with thicker patches under the arms and in the pubic region where the body loses the most heat.

2) The tailbone does serve a purpose... it helps with rigidity and stability, and it also serves as another layer of protection to the spinal cord. If you've ever fallen hard on your tuckus you should know what I mean :0)

3) and 4) I can't answer you specifically about the purpose of wisdom teeth and the appendix, except to speculate that when mankind was created perfectly, they had a purpose, but as mankind has moved further and further from perfection, that purpose was lost.

Here is where I (and there are probably many like me) may differ from a "creationist". I think that God created humans uniquely, and that he created a relatively small group of animals that had the remarkable ability packed into their dna to "evolve", if you will, into the vast array of animals we have today.

In my mind (warped as it can be at times) the cycle of animals evolving and becoming extinct makes perfect sense. I believe if Adam and Eve had not sinned, they would still be here. Earth would be populated by perfect humans who would never die. And perhaps by this time earth would be close to capacity and who knows.. perhaps another planet could be terraformed for habitation. If the plant and animal species on earth were static, it could feasibly get a little boring after you've studied them all. But if after a million years or so, new species started to appear, wouldn't that be interesting?

And, yes, God does have fun with his creations. Just look at the platypus :0)

I feel a little silly for having to ask, but what significance does "crocoduck" have, and how does it relate to my comment? I've heard the term a lot on this forum, but not sure what it refers to...?

Creationists, can you explain these?

Why is hair useless? I appreciate the hair on my legs and arms on a cold day. Why do we have wisdom teeth? I chew with mine. Why do we have an appendix? It provides chemicals that I need. God is perfect. He made me the way I needed to be.

Creationists, can you explain these?

So that you can ask the silly questions. You are not happy for all the things that are " perfect" are looking these "imperfect" things...You tell me why all things evolved?

God is perfect. But how do you know because you even do not believe in Him. You are ridiculing something you do not even believe in, what gives?

He made you to be the way He wanted you to be.

Creationists, can you explain these?

1. Human body hair, which covers almost the entire body, has a functional advantage over other mammal hair in that it has a high degree of touch perception, which occurs when a hair is moved or bent. Due to the nerves at the base of the hair, we know when a hair is being moved via our nervous system. R. Harris, in 1982 supplied examples of why this would be beneficial. Examples included the ability to tell if a small insect is crawling across your skin, which would be a great benefit especially if the insect is potentially dangerous.

Other human hair plays important roles as well. Such as the hair on top of your head that covers the spot where about 40% of heat dissipates. This is a great retainer to keep needed heat within the body. If you don鈥檛 fully understand, shave your head sometime and run around in the snow. Fine body hair also plays an important role by extending the boundary layer. The boundary layer is a small and still layer just above any surface. This is demonstrated when cumulative dust on top of a car doesn鈥檛 blow off completely when the car is traveling.

Not only is body hair useful for containing heat, it鈥檚 also useful for cooling the body. When you perspire, or sweat, the hairs grasp the sweat and keep it near you. This will keep your body cooled. Notice also that man has more body hair then women, usually lol. This is because man, being larger, sweats more and thus requires more cooling -- even more evidence of our wonderfully designed vessels. Also each hair shaft lies within a follicle. Near the base of the follicle is a tiny muscle. When the muscle contracts, the hair functions like a lever, squeezing a sebaceous gland near the follicle, which deposits an oily substance (sebum) into the upper layer of the skin. This oily secretion helps keep the skin pliable, and also serves as a waterproofing material. Body hair is hardly useless.

2. The human coccyx is the attachment point of nine muscles that allow for a number of movements, most important of which is for the act of defecation. Evolutionists should ask Ashley Murry of Wilmington, Delaware if she agrees with their conclusion that a coccyx is unnecessary. This young woman will be forced to wear a diaper for her entire life because she was born without a coccyx. It is unlikely that she would be very supportive of their contention.1 Another important use of the coccyx is that it assists us in the act of sitting. It is not impossible to sit without one, but it is awkward and uncomfortable. Furthermore, the coccyx helps to support certain internal organs.

3. Removal of wisdom teeth has become commonplace in western countries.

Based on evolutionary training, many dentists assume that wisdom teeth are "vestigial," useless evolutionary left-overs from our simian ancestry when jaws

A troubling fact has been noted, that in America's former years, people had plenty of room for all their teeth. Even today in non-western societies, a greater percentage still have plenty of room. Does this mean that only Americans are evolving? Are other factors involved?

Professor, Dr. Jack Cuozzo (an orthodontist), has evidence that humans today may be maturing faster than in yesteryear, and our facial bones lack sufficient growth time before wisdom teeth come in. This may be due to growth hormones in food or change since the time of Adam, but room is lacking in many people.

Others cite evidence that a western diet and habits are the cause. In western societies we eat cooked carrots and tenderized beef, whereas diets in other countries demand more rigorous chewing. Actually, in all countries throughout all time diets have been more rigorous with the resulting exercise of the jaw muscles producing greater jaw size and strength. A recent article in a dental journal encouraged mothers to give their children bubble gum to chew (sugarless, of course) in hopes that jaws would grow and teeth would come in straight.

Still others cite poor nutrition and improper hygiene as a cause of gum and bone disease which can force wisdom teeth to erupt in an impacted position. Some studies point at improper sleeping position in infants with continual side or belly sleeping molding the soft facial bones into abnormal shape. The teeth themselves are evidently not the problem.

Recent dental guidelines specify that dentists use caution in recommending removal of wisdom teeth. In many patients the problem is real and must be addressed, perhaps by surgery, but in others, minor manipulation and care can often save healthy teeth.

As far as evolution goes, how can it be said that loss of a useful feature, or loss of room for that feature demonstrates evolution? This is the opposite of evolutionary development! How much better if evolution could explain the origin of structures, not their loss.

And how much misery has unnecessarily been caused by the indiscriminate application of wrong-headed evolutionary thinking. From a creationist viewpoint, wisdom teeth are valuable gifts from the Creator and should not be removed if healthy.

4. If you're a baby boomer (or earlier) you've no doubt been presented in high school and college the story of the alleged lack of function of our appendix. Instructors called it 鈥?and continue to call it 鈥?"degenerate" or "rudimentary" 鈥?a nonfunctional vestige of evolution that modern man no longer needs.

The appendix is now recognized to play an important role in the immune system, particularly in childhood. We can survive without it, but clearly it is a useful, functioning organ, and we are better off to keep it. If your appendix is taken-out I believe ones life span will be shorten approximately 8 to ten years. There are times when it can get blocked or infected, and must be removed, but if healthy, it's best left in place.

Recently, evolutionary activists are strangely silent regarding their insistence of the non-function of the appendix. There could be several reasons for this, but perhaps the best is that scientific research has indeed revealed an important function. Other organs or features once thought to be "useless" include as you said wisdom teeth, tonsils, the thymus gland, the "tail bone," the little toe . . . would a person be better off without these? Of course not! Does their presence prove evolution? Hardly.

The gallbladder serves as a bridge between the liver (which produces bile necessary for the digestion of fats) and the small intestine, where the digestion occurs. The gallbladder stores the bile and parcels it out as needed. If the bladder is removed, it doesn't impair the production of needed bile, only its concentration and timed release into the small intestine. Dilute bile merely oozes in continually. A person can function quite adequately without the gallbladder under normal conditions, but it's better to keep it.

The wise Creator God designed our bodies to cope under a variety of circumstances. Ever since sin entered the perfect creation and all systems began to deteriorate, sometimes things don't perform optimally. Thankfully there are back-up systems for many organs, like the gallbladder. The Creator intended us to survive in this fallen world, and here we see the evidence.

Whenever we hear words like "that's a useless organ," we should recognize them as a product of evolutionary thinking. Often such claims are merely repeats of foundless evolutionary tales heard since elementary school.

The Creator designed things well鈥攏othing is useless. Even if an organ becomes "useless," we can be confident that it was once good, and even if we can't find its present function we can be sure it has (or had) one. The same could be said for organs and structures in plants and animals. God doesn't make junk, and that's the truth.

Evolutionists believe that whales have leftover vestigial pelvises that indicate they evolved from another type of creature. However, even assuming that the evolutionists were correct about this, this would mean that at some point the hypothetical land mammal would not have been able to survive on land or in water. In order for an animal, such as a dog, to evolve into a whale, it would need to get rid of its pelvis.

This means that, at some point, the creature wouldn鈥檛 have a tail suitable for aquatic life, and wouldn't have legs suitable for living on land. It would be handicapped in the wild and would be extremely vulnerable to predators.鈥ㄢ€⊿o what of these 鈥渧estigial pelvises鈥?found in whales?

These structures simply aren鈥檛 pelvises at all. In fact, they aren鈥檛 even vestigial. These 鈥減elvises鈥?are different in the males and females and play an important role in sexual reproduction. Of all things evolutionists want to claim are vestigial, there鈥檚 probably nothing more important to the whale鈥檚 ongoing survival!