Friday, April 27, 2012

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

Ok ever since that ? came up, I just hope that scienctist do not make a big ordeal about it becasue u know how science is they make somthing inot nothing. And they well say that as humans we had a face full of hair at one time like an ape.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

Eyebrows and eyelashes are necessary so that dirt, dust or whatever else does not get into our eyes. They catch these small particles in the air before they can fall into are eyes and hurt us. I guess cavemen needed this hair everywhere in order to keep dirt off their face and stay healthy. But now we are able to wash ourselves effectively, but we still need to protect our eyes.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

It's a way to keep sweat out of our eyes.

Since it served a purpose, our body felt the need to keep them after we evolved.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

Through evolution. Eyebrows are part of the body that keep debris and dust out of our eyes. Everything has a purpose. If you have mono-brow, you must have been from a long line of cyclops.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

So others would tell when we were angry? So we wouldn't look like the satan character in "the Passion of the Christ"?

It's probably more practical, to help keep stuff out of our eyes, just like eyelashes, or hairs in the nostrils. To catch stuff before the stuff causes a problem.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

God gave them to us. Most of us are lucky enough to have two, but some Bert on Sesame Street have one! But the other answer is correct, they are to keep sweat out of our eyes, and we'd look pretty funny without them!

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

It's where our hairline used to be! :o)

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

God created eyebrows.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

If you've ever gotten sweat in your eyes, you know how much it can sting. Eyebrows are there to make sure it doesn't happen.

They are smaller now then thousands of years ago, because we are less active, and out in the sun less.

Less activity + Less exposure to sun = less sweat = smaller eyebrows.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

Yep, keep us perspirating into our eyes and rest of faces.

You could always use the excellent wax


Where do you think eyebrows came from?

Evolution is CRAP...God gave us eyebrows.

Here's the scientific answer:

Eyebrows are a very significant aspect of our appearance. They are one of the most distinctive features that make up our faces, and we pay a lot of attention to them. We think of some types of eyebrows as attractive and some as unattractive, and many people spend as much time preening their eyebrows as they do applying makeup to their eyelashes or lips. Eyebrows are also one of our most expressive facial features. One of the clearest ways to tell somebody what you're thinking is to simply move your eyebrows up or down -- we all know what different eyebrow positions mean.

So, eyebrows obviously serve a lot of functions in our culture today -- beauty, nonverbal communication, distinctive appearance. But why are they there in the first place? As we evolved and lost most of the thick hair on our bodies, why did we keep that little bit over the eyes?

Scientists aren't entirely sure why we kept this hair, but they have a pretty good guess. We know that eyebrows help keep moisture out of our eyes when we sweat or walk around in the rain. The arch shape diverts the rain or sweat around to the sides of our face, keeping our eyes relatively dry. The most obvious advantage of this is that it lets us see clearly when we're sweating a lot or out in the rain. Without eyebrows, getting around in these conditions is a little more difficult. The shape of your brow itself diverts a certain amount of moisture, but eyebrows make a significant difference in your ability to see. Diverting the sweat away is also good because the salt in sweat irritates the eyes, making them sting a little.

There are a number of ways these qualities might have helped early man survive. Being able to see more clearly in the rain could certainly help you find shelter, and there are several circumstances when keeping the sweat out of your eyes could save your life. If you were trying to outrun a predator, for example, it's a good bet there would be a lot sweat running down your face. If all that sweat flowed right down into your eyes, you wouldn't be able to see that well, and your eyes would be irritated, which would certainly impair your ability to escape! Because of this slight survival advantage, nature would most likely select for humans with eyebrows over humans without eyebrows.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

Eyebrows were bigger at one time. Now that we tend not to need them so much they reduce. Evolution at work. BTW. That question was posted by Yahoo to advertise the site. NOT a genuine poster.

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

We are supposed to have eyebrows to make better use of our facial expressions-in order to communicate more effectively

Where do you think eyebrows came from?

since birth

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