Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

A young ventriliquist is touring the clubs, and one night, with his dummy on his knee, he starts his routine about dumb blondes !

All of a sudden from the 4th row, this blonde woman stands up and shouts, " I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes ! What makes you think you can stereotype women in that way ? What does the colour of a persons hair got to do with that persons worth as a human being ? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community and from reaching their full potential as a person "

The young ventriliquist looks embarrassed, and sheepishly begins to interrupt her, " I'm terribly sorry " he begins, and the blonde yells back, " You stay out of this mister, I'm talking to the tw*t on your knee " !

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

haha, made me laugh!!

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

Thanks, I did, have a star!!! Report It

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

haha funny

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?


Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

Stop right there.

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

please stop

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

lol she almost had him there...but hey hahaha good laugh though...

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

good , lol.

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?


heard it before

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

never heard it before, pretty funny

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

HAHAHA that was funny

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

haha funny.

Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?


Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?


Another blonde joke, ( stop me if you've heard it ) !?

Hahaha! Love it!

It's a Goodie! LOL.

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